Portability Policy for NursingHomeHandbook.com
For a brief description of Nursing Home Handbook please visit: About Nursing Home Handbook
Nursing Home Handbook and NursingHomeHandbook.com take the portability of your data seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our Portability Policies, or visit DataPortability.org for additional information.
Identity and Authentication: NEW OR EXISTING ACCOUNT – Users can create a new account that is native to this site, or by using an identity authenticated by a third party that they trust, this includes: Facebook.
Broadcasting Changes Made Here: CHATTY – Updates made here are also forwarded to a third party.
Closing An Account: IMMORTAL ACCOUNTS – Accounts or passwords, once created, are assumed to live for as long as the product is available. Desktop applications and other stand-alone products that do not have host services may have no way to remotely revoke accounts or passwords.
ACCOUNTS DELETED UPON REQUEST – This product has the ability to remove a person’s account and all relevant data, and will do so when requested by the person or third party with appropriate legal standing.
Where Things Are Stored: DISCLOSED – This product provides information about where it stores your data in the real world. Information on where your data is kept: To find out where your data is kept, email admin@nursinghomehandbook.com.. Users cannot request to have their data stored in one jurisdiction or another.
To contact Nursing Home Handbook: Nursing Home Handbook Contact Page
Portability Policy, version 1.0, updated May 18, 2010.
http://www.portabilitypolicy.org, http://www.dataportability.org
Prepared by: Nursing Home Handbook Admin (NursingHomeHandbook.com) on September 29, 2010.